Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Answer The Question Is Learning About The Past Important - 275 Words

Answer The Question Is Learning About The Past Important? (Essay Sample) Content: NameInstitutionDateIs Learning About the Past Important?It is true that learning from the past is necessary more so concerning the old saying quote by George Santayana he who refuses to learn from the past is doomed to repeat it (Santayana 59). For any critical decision-making process, one would be required to recognize his past mistakes which are of decisive historical significance (Cooper et al. 478). Some of the important decisions made by our ancestors help us to understand our history as to why our forefathers had to leave the countries of their birth, why they had to mix religions and ethnic tribes so that we can make positive decisions in life (Sorcinelli 60). Despite the fact that some of the decisions they made are not reliable in the present world due to the changes impacted by technology and innovation, we are then advised only to copy, learn and uphold the positive ideas.Instead of disregarding future events, they need to be intensely studied and even cons idered very carefully (Cooper et al. 490). History shapes the future, and the present relies on past so that it can become what it is which is very true for both individuals and nations. For instance in parenting, if a parent is willing that her child would grow up and be similar to her, the mother will be forced to provide similar childhood experiences for the child (Sorcinelli 65). To make this successful, she must be able to have a sound knowledge of her personal history and experiences if she wishes to repeat that particular history for her sibling (Cooper et al. 479). Through the past, one will be able to learn who he/she is. The idea is a fact especially on cultural levels of an individu...